Wednesday, May 20, 2015

FirefoxOS Tutorial Episode 3

I completed episode 3 of the FirefoxOS Tutorial. Some of it is a bit rough and it needs to be polished and the Dev tools section also may need some work. Finn also looked over it so he corrected some errors. References to line numbers may need to be changed as well but for the most part the episode is complete and I have a link to it below.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

FirefoxOS Tutorial Ep 3

I started rewriting episode 3 of the FirefoxOS tutorial. I had to add a section on the WebIDE and a lot of the beginning sections had to have some changes made but some of the sections don't need to be changed a lot. Also, there will probably be some inconsistencies and other problems because, for example, you may be capitalizing words in earlier episodes that I'm not. Anyway, I have a link to my progress below. I am currently looking at the Firefox Dev Tools but I should be done soon.

Monday, May 18, 2015

SaveNotes App

Today Finn and I worked on fixing the SaveNotes App. The fix was extremely simple because the problem was that there were no back buttons appearing but a simple stack overflow post revealed the issue.

I started looking at episode 3 of the firefoxOS tutorial and I have no problem writing about the WebIDE but I just have to figure out how I'm going to start rewriting this because there is a lot to talk about. I'll probably just start writing whatever I think of and then just look over it and then have Finn revise it.

Friday, May 15, 2015

FirefoxOS Tutorial Ep2: Functionality

I made changes to the second episode of Irani's FirefoxOS tutorial under the section titled "The code". It was pretty simple but the further chapters will probably become more challenging to change because I'm not familiar with Ajax or JSON and it will probably be mentioned more frequently. Anyway, here's a link to the text file:

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

US Zipcodes App

Today Finn helped me fix the Indian zipcode app but he really did most of the work. We actually changed the zipcodes to US because the API for the Indian zipcodes was no longer available.
  • The app currently states coordinates, city, and state and the API we are using is called Zippopotamus
  • We removed the Javascript within the html file and made a separate script file because firefoxOS can apparently have problems with internal Javascript
  • A few changes still have to be made, especially stuff like the app icon because it currently says "Indian Zipcodes"
I made and updated the repo by myself for once though!

Monday, May 11, 2015

GPS App Development

I continued to work on my GPS App which should be finished soon as long as I don't encounter any javascript problems but I am pretty rusty with javascript. Today I actually didn't make a lot of progress because I was having a github problem but Sam was extremely helpful and fixed the issue. I did update the code so it works properly and I don't think it references the notes app anymore, but right now I need to find a way to grab longitude and latitude coordinates separately because I don't think I want to display them together if possible.

Here's a link to the repo with my app actually on there

Friday, May 8, 2015


I continued working on my GPS App and it is fairly functional right now but it needs to be refined a lot. I think I'll push my changes after I make a few adjustments because right now the code is a bit ugly and it may be broken. There's a link to my branch below for reference but it only has the helloworld app.