Friday, December 20, 2013

More Python

Here is a link to my progress:

On Monday and Tuesday I was mainly working with lists which was pretty easy, they are what they sound like and they were not too confusing although I mess up the index of them a lot. Sometimes I forget about the zeroth element or like one time when I was told to separate a string with "catdogfrog" and when I sorted it I printed "rog" instead of "frog". That was an easy unit though.

On Wednesday I was introduced to for loops which are pretty easy right now but I imagine will get harder. I mess up the indents a lot though which is really frustrating but whatever.

Thursday and Friday I learned about dictionaries which is a pretty tough concept when combined with for loops but I am slowly making progress.

Thursday, December 5, 2013


I don't really know what I should be doing but I have been working on learning some python to better understand peewee so I can continue with that, but if you want I can do something else. Anyway, I'm more than a quarter done with the code academy tutorial and that's about it.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


I got peewee but I don't quite know how to use it so I went to code academy to learn python. I finished unit 3, I think it's good to learn python because I never really learned much at YHS

Monday, December 2, 2013


I looked at the peewee link you provided in your last comment and I also read some of a wikipedia page for object-relational mapping. The wiki page makes a little sense to me and the beginner tutorial for peewee is pretty fast paced because i think it's assumed that the reader knows python to a good extent but I understood some of it. Anyways, it seems very useful and I will continue looking at it.