Tuesday, December 23, 2014

More Bottle

I forgot to mention before that I looked at the example where multiple routes are used
I think it's cool how whatever you put in, it will replace "{{name}}" but if nothing is put in it will put stranger. I just don't quite understand the code because I don't understand why it defaults to stranger but is somehow overwritten if a different route is put in and I also don't see why you need the "name=name" part.
I also looked at a login form which talked about Get requests and Post requests which seems kind of complicated and an Error request which seems pretty simple.

Friday, December 19, 2014


On Thursday and Friday I was working on more bottle. I didn't make a lot of progress at first because it just looked weird to me for some reason but now I think I understand it. I know the difference between dynamic and static routes now and I just started reading about filters which don't seem too complicated. The only filter I don't understand is the ":re" but the rest seem simple, like ":int" which I assume only allows a route to be a number.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

SQL Query Review

For future reference, the way sqlite reads an sql file is with ".read". In this case I used ".read moviedb.sql" and then ".read moviedbinsert.sql" for the data. I reviewed sql queries and I messed around with selecting certain data.

SELECT Fname, Likes.PersonID, Title, Likes.MovieID 
FROM Person, Likes, Movies 
WHERE Fname = "Rusty" 
AND Person.PersonID = Likes.PersonID 
AND Movies.MovieID = Likes.MovieID;
Like this would only show the person's first name, then their ID, and the title and ID of 
the movie they like. You can try more complicated things with a lot of data using "or" or the "like"
statement which finds data restricted to certain letters or greater than or less than a certain

SELECT Fname, Likes.PersonID, Title, Likes.MovieID
FROM Person, Likes, Movies
WHERE Lname LIKE "%o"
AND Person.PersonID = Likes.PersonID
AND Movies.MovieID = Likes.MovieID;

This displayed a person's first name, their ID, along with the name and ID of the movie they 
liked but it sorted it by last names only ending in "o". 

I think I understand SQL pretty well again, I think I just need to learn how to apply it better though,
like when using it for a form. 

SQL Review

I started reviewing and it's all pretty easy to understand except for a few things I had to review like "referencing". I kind of forgot how to import the files though and I don't think I ever documented that so I have to figure that out...

Movie Database
  • This file is for the actual creation of the database
  • Primary keys are unique values
  • When a value is referenced it is simply a value being supplied from another table

Movie Database Data
  • This was the actual data for the database, it's all very straightforward

Tuesday, December 16, 2014


I set up bottle and I started reading the tutorial. I made the Hello World example which you saw on Jack's computer. I kept rereading a lot of the tutorial, like I didn't understand what routes are. I kind of understand some of the concepts but a lot of it I don't fully get.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Media Queries

On Thursday and Friday I worked on media queries which turned out to be more annoying than expected. On Friday, Sam found out that my style was not being applied even without the media query which is obviously a problem. I applied a text color to <h1> which is what I should of done in the beginning. I don't know why the background color was not changing though but I should be able to do more with the media queries now. Anyway, right now the list is set to green all the time and black when the device width is more than 480px but I also got orientation working so that when the phone is landscape the text changes to pink.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Responsive Layout

There are multiple ways to implement responsive layout but it seems like the best way is through media queries like you mentioned. I read about them on w3schools and jquerymobile. I didn't realize that you could also make portrait and landscape modes for a web page. I don't really know how to use media queries to change a web page from a desktop site to a mobile site though. I'll try to apply it anyway, like adding a navbar or even just changing the background color depending on the screen size.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Content Pages

I'm making pages for my list but I don't really know how to style it. You can see what I did for one of the items here. It's not that interesting but I don't really know any other way to style the page. I also noticed a couple of problems with the web page. First of all, the items cannot be dragged on the phone and the dragging is inconsistent on the computer. Also, if all the items under a divider are removed, the divider disappears so I might just remove that feature and that way I can use thumbnails on the items.

Monday, December 8, 2014

List App

I put my list app on my website and I also cleaned up the code because it was really ugly and hard to read before. I added pages to all the list items although I don't really know what to put as content. I think I should also look at other data attributes like navbar. Anyway here is my list of stuff.

Thursday, December 4, 2014


It seems like most content on phone apps are implemented using lists and I think I understand how to design these apps pretty well. I made another list app this time divided into 3 categories:fruits, movies, and vegetables. I still don't know why I can't use the drag and drop code with pictures those so this list currently contains no pictures, but I would like to somehow implement both in the future. I also tried to install a graphite theme but I didn't really know how to install it. Also, I found another really nice theme creator that is specifically made for jQuery mobile. My new list app also has more content when clicking on a list item such as clicking on "apple" would show more info. I'll put it on my website later with more content so that you can actually navigate it instead of looking at pictures.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Drag and Drop

I tried this tutorial today that was about dragging and dropping list elements. It seemed pretty short and simple because it just utilized a library called jQuery UI and something else called Touch Punch to simulate a mouse on phones, but at first my app was just loading constantly after adding the script source. I sort of fixed the problem because I realized that I had to update all the links to the latest stable versions because I have been using tutorials from different dates. So this tutorial used a version of jQuery UI which I think was not compatible with the version of jQuery I had. I fixed that and I was able to load my app but for some reason the thumbnail of the pictures I had in my list became full size but I was able to drag the items so I'm guessing it would work if I didn't have pictures but I'm not sure.
You can see that one picture is taking up a huge amount of space and the footer also changed color for some reason. There may be a better way to drag and drop stuff though because this tutorial is old.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Custom Themes

I found a tutorial on how to make custom themes so it's basically CSS but the styling is different because it seems like jQuery mobile uses a lot of gradients or glossy looking buttons and such. Luckily it's easy to make styles with online tools otherwise making things like gradients would be awful. There were also a lot of other helpful resources listed but I only looked at the gradient tool. I tried to make a custom list style but it wasn't working but I did manage to make a custom footer. Although, it was a little bigger than the original and the links weren't styled.