Wednesday, March 19, 2014

jQuery Lessons

  • the ".ready()" function has something happen the second the page loads
  • "document" refers to the html document itself
  • "$()" is where jquery code goes
  • "click" allows for something to happen when an object is clicked on
  • "mouseenter" allows for something to happen when the mouse is placed over an object, while "mouseleave" is the opposite
  • "animate" can manipulate an object
  • "slidedown" does exactly what it sounds like, objects slide down
  • "slow" can make an action slower

1 comment:

  1. Actually, "$()" is a jQuery function call, which creates a jQuery (JavaScript) object from the document. Don't worry too much about that now. For now, you can just think of it as "jQuery magic" and enjoy using it ;-)
