Friday, February 13, 2015

FirefoxOS Bugs and App Dev

I'm going to combine my Thursday and Friday posts since Friday was a short day.

On Thursday, I looked at the BuddyUp pdf which I assume is the wireframe Marcia was referring to. It seemed pretty straightforward so I just skimmed it but it seems like it's pretty important so I'll take another look at it. I also helped Dylan a bit with the form and I helped Finn with javascript. I also can't seem to get my Jquery Mobile working and I think regular Jquery is required, but when I have both they seem to conflict so I'm not sure.

I worked a bit on my app and I just commented out jQuery mobile in the mean time but I want to get it working so I can easily style the app. Marcia also emailed me and sent me a link to etherpad with notes on what I should do next. I took a look at it and I made an account so I should probably start getting to work on that stuff next week.

1 comment:

  1. Looking over the etherpad link, I think I understand what you will be doing. You will be participating in a formalized testing process. Your task will be to run tests (following some testing script or protocol I image) and to produce results in some format that will be of use to the developers.

    I've never done this before, so it will be as new to me as it is to you. I'm hoping this will all become much more clear as you start actually doing what you are expected to do.
