Friday, March 27, 2015

Invalidating more stuff

I'm still going through all the tests looking for errors. Most of them are fine and I don't think it's worth reporting any spelling or grammatical mistakes unless it makes it harder to understand the test.
  • I invalidated test 6 because a button was located on a wrong page
  • Test 8 also had an incorrect button name
Also, here's a link to the LibriFox logo with a solid color, I think blue is good but maybe a different shade would be better. Either way the fox looks really good.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Invalidating Testcases and a New Bug

I invalidated my first test case but I don't really want to continue until I get a response from Fredy in case I am doing it incorrectly. While I was waiting for a response though I went through the new version of BuddyUp and I think I found an unlisted bug. You can now set preferences in BuddyUp to filter questions but there are 2 "All" options in two drop down menus which you can see below.

I filed the bug during NSF, here's a link to it. Fredy also said that what I am doing with the invalidating is fine.
2 "All" options

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Validating Smoketests

I got a bigger task where I have to go through all the smoketests and all the steps and see if they are all correct. So all those times where the steps were not exactly correct I am going to mark as invalid so the smoketests are more helpful and clearer.

I went through a few smoketests and I'm pretty sure I didn't miss anything but I'm not sure if I should invalidate a test because there was a word missing. I'll probably ask but I don't think it's worth invalidating a test over. Fredy said I should invalidate a test for these reasons:
  • Different wording: for example test says click on the "ABC" button but
the button now is called "CBA".
  • Wrong placement of an item: for example test says click this button at
the bottom of the screen but the button is at the top.
  • Non-existent item: for example test say to click on a button that
doesn't exist.
  • Other inconsistencies: for example I am not sure what to do in this
step, or how to proceed with this test etc.


I guess I never really did explain what BuddyUp is so I'll do that right now. BuddyUp is an online help app like you said and there are helpees and helpers. Helpers are obviously the ones who help while the helpees are the ones who require help. You need an account to be a helper but you can be a helpee without an account, you are just given a random name. From what I understand anyone is a helpee and helper though, I think those terms are used mainly for testing because with my account I can ask or answer a question at any time. There is also a vote system to upvote good comments but there is no downvoting and a leaderboard features who was the most helpful every week. I think that answers your questions about BuddyUp and you can also download the app on your own device.

I read some of the beginning of the book but I don't think it's necessary to summarize it because it just talks about the author and a bit about why FirefoxOS is appealing.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Smoketests 16-20

Some more smoketests were added so I mainly did testing today
  • Test 16: This one was about asking a question for the first time. I wasn't sure if I was required to be logged in or not but it wasn't a prerequisite so I did it logged out and it worked. Also here is the related bug, the discussion is kind of interesting.
  • Test 17: I'm guessing I can/should be logged out as long as there is no prerequisite listed but I'm not entirely sure. This test was about asking a question when I had already asked one previously and it passed. 
  • Test 18: This was about not being logged in and then going to a question to sign in and then answer which passed.
  • Test 19: This was a specific series of actions like loading more questions and syncing the questions which I passed. I hope I'm doing these correctly because I don't think Fredy wants me to fail a test if it's not 100% correct because a few of these, like this one, are basically 99% correct.
  • Test 20: This test was about asking a question and getting similar questions to click on which I failed because when clicking on a question and pressing back the list of similar questions disappeared when they shouldn't have.

Friday, March 20, 2015


I spent most of today working on bugzilla but I did work a bit on my app. During NSF I made some progress and today I just wanted to work a bit more so I didn't forget what I was working on. I made some brief progress so I'll just leave it at that for now.

I learned a bit more about the fields that are in bugzilla so here is some of what I learned. Also, I'll be getting more tasks next week.
  • Summary field: Pretty simple, just contains a very short summary of the bug but it may be helpful to put tags, like [Flame] or [User Story]
  • Whiteboard: This field is for adding specific words like [blocker] which means the bug blocks some function while [p=1] I think means high priority
    • I'm wondering if there is place where I can read more about tags(I'm guessing something like p=2 would mean lower priority but I'm not sure) because it might be helpful to put them in any future bugs I file
  • Version: Pretty straightforward but BuddyUp doesn't have a version number yet
  • Platform: I was a bit unsure about this one, apparently it's really only useful for application components but not web apps or sites components. In my case, I guess I would put FirefoxOS 2.0 for the platform if it's a bug I find outside of BuddyUp.
  • Depends On/Block: I believe this is for listing related bugs. I found an example of a bug with related bugs here. You can click on either "tree" or "graph" to see how the bugs are related.
  • CC List: This just allows you to add people to a bug where they will get a lot of notifications so you have to be careful who you add.
  • Flag: This seems to be like CC except if you "flag" someone it shows everyone that the bug is tested by a testcase. I might need some clarification on this one.

Here are some helpful links

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Some App Development

I decided to work on my app a bit more, I didn't have a task available and I didn't really want to file bugs. It seems like the process for filing bugs can be really slow at times because there are so many filed and when you find one there is a good chance that it has already been reported. Anyway, Finn gave me a jsfiddle link about positioning buttons which should be nice because it's an alternative to the css I have been trying. The problem is that my code is pretty ugly so I had a bit of trouble but I got the positioning partially working and I also broke some of the app.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Tuesday, March 17, 2015


Fredy sent me another email with a lot of helpful info. I also just tried IRC for the first and I idled in the #firefox channel that fredy told me about. I used mibbit because it basically required no set up. Fredy talked a lot about bugzilla so I messed with that today and I'll summarize some of it here. I can also forward any other emails, if you like.

  • Always run the latest version of the app which can be done through this method
  • An easy way to get multiple users is to use the device and the simulator
  • I should not fail tests that pass but have a wrong sequence of buttons which may be due to UI changes. Instead I should mark it as invalid and say what is wrong with the testcase itself.
  • Search in bugzilla for bugs that may be relevant to a failed testcase
  • Screenshots may be helpful for UI bugs or bugs that are hard to describe
  • Also, it's good to still describe which step failed the testcase 
  1. To file a bug report you have to first create an account or use your moztrap account
  2. Categorize the bug as a specific product(website, app, etc)
  3. In this case, after clicking "File a bug", you have to search for BuddyUp because it isn't listed
  4. The bug must then be summarized and you may choose to report the bug or follow the bug if it has already been listed
  5. If it hasn't been listed then different fields have to be filled out and then the bug report will be posted.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Testcases 9 and 10

fredy sent me a very helpful email with some tips. The third one was really nice because it talked about how if a testcase can be completed but the UI was changed I should mark it as invalid, instead of failed which is what I have been doing. I also tried finding related bugs for the failed testcases but I didn't find anything.
  • Test 9 was to see if a helper would get a notification when a helpee responded to a helper's comment which failed because I did not receive a notification as a helper.
  • Test 10 was similar but it was just to mark a question as resolved but failed again because I did not receive a notification as a helper. I did a few brief searches for related bugs but nothing came up.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

BuddyUp: Tests 11-15

I need to skip test 9 and 10 for now because they require two users. Also, fredy emailed me and I replied back to him, he will be assigning me more tasks during the week.
  • Test 11-13 involved asking a questions and all of them passe.
  • Test 14 asked me to change my username which failed because after changing the name and going back to my profile, I was left with my original name.
  • Test 15 was to see if I could view the top contributors of the week and their profiles which passed.

Friday, March 13, 2015

More Tests

I did a few more tests but one test(case 9, which is really long) requires 2 users so I'll do that one another day.
  • Test 6 was about changing my username to a default name(one of their randomly generated ones, like bluemonkey56) but it failed because when I deleted my name I was just left with an empty field and the screen didn't change when it should have.
  • Test 7 was about resetting my password but it failed pretty fast because there was no "Forgot your password?" button on the right screen.
  • Test 8 involved writing an answer which passed because it posted and displayed the time sent.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015


I've been finding a lot of bugs but I want to finish these smoketests. I just had a problem where the app was saying I could not login with credentials but it turns out I had logged in the entire time without any notice.
  • One smoketest was to add a category to a question which passed
  • Another one was to see if a user would be restricted from signing up if their email address was invalid which worked except that the email address was not red when it should have been. I wrote "The user is prevented from signing up but the email address is not highlighted red if something invalid is put after the "@" symbol, like "", but emails like "hello@" and "hello" are red and emails with a period and then a blank space are highlighted as red such as "hello@mail."."
  • I had to try and change my username which failed because my username was changed but no feedback was provided.


I finished one smoketest but I have a lot of info and screenshots that I will put captions on. So I'm guessing you can't see my progress on moztrap so I'll just summarize the test case, I was supposed to sign in with an unverified email which actually worked for the most part except I failed it because I was taken to the wrong page.

I'm also going to add a few notes from our session with Marcia:
  • About every week there will be a new set of smoketests for me to finish. Also I should be very literal with everything(so I should fail stuff if it doesn't work 100%)
  • I'm going to be paired up with a new mentor for other work
  • Screenshots aren't really necessary for the smoketests but I should report bugs even if it's probably a duplicate and be very specific(Version #, Screenshots, Crash report if necessary, etc...)

My Profile page

BuddyUp does block unverified accounts

Profile when disconnected form wifi

Error I got in Buddyup

Monday, March 9, 2015

BuddyUp Smoketests

I did the first smoketest and it worked for the most part. All I did for the smoketest was just mark the 6th step as fail but I also took a few screenshots and there were a few other problems and I wasn't sure if I should have posted those or not.
  • So I think it's worth noting that when I did the 3rd step it failed completely when not connected to wifi which is obviously required but the error message is pretty vague and unhelpful because I was about to mark the test as fail until I realized I had wifi off. I had a few screenshots of it but I couldn't email it due to an error and setting up my gmail account was really annoying because the flame is considered an insecure device so I just used the WebIDE to save screenshots that you can see below.
  • The 6th step failed because after clicking the link to verify my account I was taken to a sign in page rather than an account homepage and the email itself was supposed to display a link but it didn't appear on my device.

Verification email had a link but it wasn't visible
Sign in page instead of homepage
Email error so I couldn't get a hold of my other screenshots

Saturday, March 7, 2015


Marcia gave me a new assignment that had a lot of links and I also found a part on best practices when reporting bugs which is handy. The instructions were a bit confusing though and I was supposed to leave a field blank but I couldn't so I emailed Marcia about that. I also have a few other questions but I'm guessing we will meet with her soon so I'll just ask her then.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Firefox App

Today was pretty frustrating because I spent nearly the whole day trying to position 3 divs and I never got it working. I just wanted them to be placed side by side and I tried multiple methods and I looked at a bunch of stack overflow posts and someone even posted a very nice jsfiddle link but I could not figure out the problem. I think I'll spend a little bit more time on it because I have a few more ideas but I might just abandon it soon because this is more annoying than it should be. As for the ATIC form, I don't really know what is going on with that because I just remember Dylan emailed the lady running the project and I didn't hear about it after that.