Monday, March 23, 2015

Smoketests 16-20

Some more smoketests were added so I mainly did testing today
  • Test 16: This one was about asking a question for the first time. I wasn't sure if I was required to be logged in or not but it wasn't a prerequisite so I did it logged out and it worked. Also here is the related bug, the discussion is kind of interesting.
  • Test 17: I'm guessing I can/should be logged out as long as there is no prerequisite listed but I'm not entirely sure. This test was about asking a question when I had already asked one previously and it passed. 
  • Test 18: This was about not being logged in and then going to a question to sign in and then answer which passed.
  • Test 19: This was a specific series of actions like loading more questions and syncing the questions which I passed. I hope I'm doing these correctly because I don't think Fredy wants me to fail a test if it's not 100% correct because a few of these, like this one, are basically 99% correct.
  • Test 20: This test was about asking a question and getting similar questions to click on which I failed because when clicking on a question and pressing back the list of similar questions disappeared when they shouldn't have.

1 comment:

  1. As I read your blog and learn about BuddyUp, new questions arise:

    1. When is the goal for delivery to the MarketPlace?
    2. Will BuddyUp offer features that will be useful in an educational environment like ours?
