Tuesday, April 7, 2015

FirefoxOS in Action

 I emailed Fredy about what I should be working on but until then I'll just continue reading.

There are a lot of reasons why FirefoxOS is appealing
  • It's convenient for web developers
  • You can reuse web page code
  • It can utilize cheap hardware
  • Browsers are updated often as opposed to an OS
  • It's free, no market places and you can use any familiar libraries
There are three distinctive software layers in Firefox OS:
  • A Linux kernel, called Gonk.
  • The browser engine, called Gecko.
  • The UI, called Gaia.

Also, here's the logo with a smaller circle.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, indeed, those are very appealing characteristics in any environment but especially in a learning environment. I'm going to watch with interest what happens with this project. It seems logical to me that by lowering the barrier to entry the FXOS community will attract new mind share all over the world. The openness of the software is a strength here as well. That should lead to a growing community and better software. I'll be watching closely (and actively participating) to see how this unfolds.
