Javascript APIs that allow you to access the hardware on your device such as the camera, accelerometer, GPS, storage, etc, which isn't possible with Javascript alone.
I finally tried adding Javascript to an app, I noticed by default they don't use $(document).ready but instead they use window.onload. I guess either can be used though. I also tried to style my list again but I really can't seem to get it working. Anyway I made a quick app that has a button and when clicked it would display some text but it doesn't work.
$( document ).ready(function() {
var UI = new UbuntuUI();
UI.button('text').click(function () {
I have a button with the id "text" but the app is working, I haven't really tested it so I don't know if the button is working or not or if the text is just not showing up.
Cool. This is going to be my assignment for the Winter break, so between now and then you can focus on jQuery mobile and the environment in which these apps run.