Friday, November 14, 2014

More Design

I changed the look of the app again, I really thought I had to center the content in the middle but I now realize that is probably unnecessary. The app now looks more like their examples of list items which are very pretty, each list item has this subtle line to separate each which I want to try and make. I'm currently using <h2> and <hr> but I'll replace the <hr> eventually. You can also read about jQuery Mobile Data Attributes here.

1 comment:

  1. This technology is evolving so fast, and it has so many layers, that you need to be prepared for the unexpected at every turn, and willing to change course frequently throughout the process. If only your teacher was less ignorant, you wouldl be receiving much better guidance to help you move more quickly. Alas, you've got what you've got, and need to make due :-(

    I didn't even know about jQuery mobile until you told me about it. Looking over what
    it is:

    I can see that you should suspend your study of Ubuntu mobile and instead focus on learning jQuery mobile, upon which the former is based. This will have several advantages:

    1. It will prepare you to understand Ubuntu mobile development if and when you return to it.

    2. It will provide you with an understanding of a more generally applicable tool that you can use in general mobile development across platforms.

    3. It is a bit more mature than the Ubuntu mobile resources, and therefore better documented (its a whopping 3 years old already!)
